VIKIE Demo Video:
Save Kids, Save Pets, Save Lives

By Derek Scarborough / VIKIE, Inc. DEMO VIDEO / 21 Jun 17

Hello all. Please be mindful of the following items before, during, or after watching the VIKIE demo video:

  1. This is the first of many demo videos and should not be confused with or considered to be a commerical video (discussed below). The driver perspective in this first demo was intentional to drive home actual real-life occurrences and to show forth exactly what has been occurring when a driver commutes and leaves a child (that can possibly suffer &/or die) in a vehicle. However, this video also demonstrates how VIKIE can/will save a child or pet in such scenarios.
  2. As stated in the opening of the video during the simulated commute, this is an informational demo; thus, it is a bit long (10 minutes) to discuss a serious societal dilemma and how VIKIE, as demonstrated in the video, can/will solve it.
  3. This is not a commercial; wherein, those (which will be available soon) will be 2 to 3 minutes or less in length (as will future demos). This is an informational walk-thru and it does not even discuss all features. That would have been 20 minutes or longer.
  4. This video was recorded in a residential area (future demos will be shot in various locales). In consideration of neighbors, the pa horns were turned down to avoid confusion with a real emergency. Due to this, video taping stayed close to the location of the horns to be heard easily on the video without having them turned up and being extremely loud and bother others. These alarms are very loud and annoying to alert passersby (near or far in relation to the vehicle) to PLEASE HELP SAVE THIS CHILD OR PET.
  5. There may be some wondering if VIKIE works with infant car seats. Indeed it does. VIKIE works with car seats or without. Putting Simulated Lucy in a car seat would have added even more time to the video. A car seat demo will be made shortly.
  6. Finally, there will be plenty of faces of driver actors, real officers, and perhaps myself in future videos. What is important is to focus on the merit of the work and the important value this VIKIE system provides in saving lives (not on who is or who is not seen).
  7. Thank you. Let's save lives!!! -Derek

The-Original-VIKIE-Video: Learn-About-VIKIE's-Features-And-The-Necessity-Of-VIKIE


VIKIE Implementation


Person of Contact: Derek Scarborough

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